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Showing posts from November, 2017

Thanksgiving Break Fun

Over Thanksgiving break, mama took me for multiple walks around the neighborhood. She did a super long walk of 2.47 miles, by the time we got to 2 miles. I was exhausted and wanted mama to carry me but she made me push through that last of it and guess what?? I made it all the way home! Normally I only do a mile but that was the longest walk she's taken me on. Hopefully, I'll get to go on longer walks with her. In the photo, we stopped by the playground for me to run around like a little maniac for a little while. It was a weekday so no kids around to play with. I got to spend quality time with my mama though. That's all I can ask for on the holidays. Over the break, we tried to take my Christmas photo but it was a fail. The Santa paw hat she got me was too big and I couldn't sit still enough for mama to get a good photo. She ended up using a photo of me in the Christmas card though. I'm sure the card will turn out awesome just like me. Anyways, we hope

Happy Thanksgiving!

Found this cute Thanksgiving card at the Paper Source store. Thought this would be fitting for today. We hope you all are having a great Thanksgiving day with lots of yummy and delicious food! I know I will be dining well this year. I'm thankful for a great family, a warm home, and being loved.

AtHome Store Doggy Christmas Decorations

"Love is a four legged word" "Tis the Season to Rock Ugly Sweaters"

When I came home

Ever since my birthday past another year. I've been having memories of myself as a puppy. I remember when my parents picked me up from the pet store. I slept on my mama's lap on the ride home. Luckily, I was able to hold my bladder til I got home. I didn't want to have an accident in my dad's car. I remember that it was raining that day and cold. Mom covered me up with her jacket and carried my tiny butt to the car. This is me sleeping on my cushy bed at home. I loved sleeping at the beginning. Once I got use to the family, I was running around exploring the big house that I lived in. I smelled another odor in the house, which turned out to be a cat. That is what my family owned before, but was no longer around. They passed away a while ago, from what my mama said. I'm the first puppy to be in this family. Even though I needed to be trained. My parents were being trained on how to take care of me since it is not the same with cats. They had to determine my pee

Devil Toy from Halloween

This is a late post but I destroyed this toy after a day of playing with it. It was just so tasty and squishy. Also, that squeaky noise made it very easy to tear apart. It was just teasing me all day. By the end of the day, all the stuffing and the squeaky device in it was all over my crate. Luckily, mama wasn't mad that I made a mess in the kitchen. I know that I had a great time playing with it, even though it was just for a day!

Cute Doggie Socks

Mama found these cute doggie socks during her trip to the AndThat! store that just opened up near by. So I think the regular price is normally 3 for $15 but at the AndThat store they are selling it for $1.99. Great deal! These socks also come in black too. The store has so many Christmas items for sale and a good section for dog things, like toys, pet gates, sleeping mats and dog treats. Most of the items are for cheaper prices than getting them at a pet store and also of good quality. It would be a great place to buy a certain dog **woof woof** a Christmas gift for being a good doggie this year. We shall see!

My 6th Birthday!!

It's my birthday today, Sunday November 12, 2017. I can't believe I've been with my family for the last six years when they brought me home. Our family has grown since then but more love to go around. I spent the day sleeping and eating yummy food. Even though I am another year older, I'm still as playful as ever. I still feel like a feisty little puppy. To many more years of fun! I am looking forward to the upcoming year with more adventures and family time together.

Friday stroll...

I had some quality time with my mama, walking the neighborhood without the kiddos. We did our normal stroll but it was super warm but perfect to spend the day outside, enjoying the fresh air. I was getting really tired half way through our 1.5 mile walk. Mama even let me walk on my own for a few minutes when we got close to our house. She is starting to trust me a lot more since I don't run off when I see squirrels. Let's see how well I do the next time I go for a stroll with my mama.

Our Dog Services

We joined , the dog walking/boarding service. If you live in the Fairfax, VA area, we will be boarding and walking dogs based on our availability. Mama thought it would be a good idea to start doing something productive on our weeknights and weekends when we go for our walks. So she decided to start walking dogs as a fun way to meet our neighbors and fur friends in the area. We are very friendly, loving and responsible people. Your pet will feel comfortable and very loved at our home and in our care. If you are interested in our rates and services, please visit our Rover profile . We hope that you would like to be one of our fur clients!

Peanut Butter Pumpkin Oatmeal Treats

I love pumpkin and peanut butter. Two of my favorite things to eat. These were delicious!  Can't you tell by how I'm munching down on them? Good thing I don't have any brothers or sisters cause I definitely do not want to share these yummy treats. Mama says I should share. Might have to bring some for my fur friends during our friendgiving luncheon in a couple of weeks. I hope you enjoy mama's recipe down below.  Peanut Butter Sweet Potato Treats Ingredients : 1/2 cup creamy peanut butter 1 3/4 cups blended old fashion oats 1 can of pureed pumpkin Directions :  Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.  In a large bowl, stir together the peanut butter and pumpkin. Then stir in the flour a 1/4 cup at at time until the dough is no longer sticky. Scoop out the mixture with a spoon and place them on a baking sheet. I made them into a medium size but you can make them smaller if you like.  Bake at 350 degrees Fah

Pet Santa Hat

Look at this cute Santa hat!  Mama got this for me for part of our holiday photo shoot that will be coming soon for the family Christmas card. I'm so loved, never forgotten in being a part of the family. I'm looking forward to styling this for the our next photo shoot. Hopefully I can contain my excitement when it happens!